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Monday, May 23, 2011

tak larat dah...=_=

maaaaaaaaa.........waaaaaa.....xlaratnye...otak dh tepu dgn sgala formula..dh tukar-takir dh sgala definiton... tp byk lgi subjek xcover....cuak smkin melanda..otak smkin penat....mata semakin sembap....badan semakin gemok okey itu tiada kaitan.....hari2 ade klas...xde study week lngsung..duit dah kering...mata semakin rabun.... bilik semakin sejuk sbb heater tutup....diorg hntr email cmni bnyinye:

Dear all
The district heating system that heats the university buildings will be switched off
this weekend, and remain off until September. I hope that the outside temperature
holds up as it is forecast to. This decision and procedure is out of our hands I'm
afraid so there is nothing we can do about it. I have been advised to suggest that
if any of you are particularly unhappy about it, to report it via the Facilities
online helpdesk - instructions of which can be found in your kitchen and in the
Residents' Handbook.
sejuk laaaaa.....duk bilik pkai bju berlapis2 dah...tlg la bukak heater... dh mcm kutub utara kutub selatan dah nih.....kestressan bljr mula mnjelma...yer aku mngaku skrg bru tersedar yg rupnye aku mnt bljr...bljr subjek yg aku suke la... bile nk belajar sbjek tuh mmg x rase berat lngsung walaupon susah....sbbnye nk taw ape yg aku xtaw....bleh kate rasa syg nk baca tajuk tuh sbb nnti once dh baca dh xleh baca dh nnti...hahaha...xbetol dh aku nih....
p/s: entri dibuat kira2 jam 2.40am sbbnye nk tnggu subuh pkul3.02am... xlarat nk study dh utk mlm nih....esok la smbung...teroskan berjuang..yeahhh go for it...

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