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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

how much she loves me...=)

how much she loves me
willing to wake up early in the morning everyday
open the laptop
open skype
open facebook
just wanna see what her daughter doing
it just only me getting more busier with assignment
do not have much time for her
but she still waiting for me
waiting until its morning here eventhough its already evening there
doesnt matter at what time.... she still on9
i can see her face happy seeing me
even though its only for a little while
thanks Allah for giving me a precious caring mother
hope there is another time i can see her again
"O Allah forgive my mother sins and place her in Your Jannah"
Ameen Ya Rabbal Al Amin

watchOUT.....AndA sDg diPerHAtikaN....

mcm scary jer dgr title tu kan.....nothing seriously..juz wanna story2 sikit sal idop as a muslim student here..... juz imagine dlm satu dwn lecture dlm lbih kurang 100org ade 2org yg pkai tdung duk kat tepi barisan no6 dri depan tu...sape lgi kalu bkn aku n my fren meera...its a little awkward mse first2 tuh......depa semua tgk pelik jer kat kitorg.....
POSITIF SIDE: 1) lecturer knl kitorg more than matsaleh semua 2)dberi more perhatian
NEGATIF SIDE: 1)if salah sorg dri kitorg xdtg kls..kantoilah....kan....2org jer yg pkai tdung dlm kls tuh... cannot skip class.... 2)kena jga leklok penampilan n sikap....sbbnya dorg sntiasa perhatikan cmne org Islam nih...oleh yg demikian pesanan kpd aku" jgn suka sgt tido dlm kls okeh!!!

honestly....byk dugaannya idop kat sini as a muslim....lagi2 bila dorg ckp kita ni terrorist....mcm2 dah aku dah tu semua ujian....sedangkan Rasullulah SAW mnghadapi byk lgi tentangn smasa hndak berdakwah... inikan aku...bru ckit yg kena....ganjaran Allah itu besar bgi hamba-hambaNya yg bersabar....
owhhh yer..skrg dah masuk belom salji lagi huhuhu suhu 3-6celcius....