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Friday, December 17, 2010

cerita salji lagi

setelah lbih kureng dlm 3mnggu salji xturun hari ni die turun lgi...dgn sangat lebat...satu salji yg lebat pon bleh memutihkan semue jln....yg bestnye kitorg kali nih maen luncur salji sgt best...kitorg nk snowboard n turun dri bukit tuh....tmbah ngn sejuknya ...Ya Allah sejuk sgt tgn even pki gloves pon mmg xtahan la...wat snowman even kcik jer....nk wat satu tu pon penat nk kepal2 ais yg sejuk tuh....will play a lot more snow in future...

presentation+test=1st time

Actually bukan big problem pon but saje nk share..bcoz this is my 1st time doing that here... so mcm mne? emmm bolehlah...rezutnya?bolehlah org kate ckup2 mkn xleh tmbh dah....its not 100% but Alhmdunillah ok kot kalu nk compare effort aku yg xsbrape tuh....2 event ni berlngsung pd 16/12/10....pagi tuh test ptg tuh test 1st cmne?emmmmm laen yg aku baca len plak yg kuar..adeiiii xpe xpe keep for the real exam in May soon...yg aku peliknye la kan nape la org2 putih nih semua wat test tu within 20minutes jer? masa sejam...lps sorg sorg anta kertas...aku mse tuh xleh nk concentrate dh la...cpt gler dorg wat...aku pon ape lgi gune la machine gun tembak la ape yg patot...n rezut pon mmg tembak2 la jdnya...ape nk jadi aku nih....(@_@)

ok next presntation plak....aku wat psl medical physicist sbb mmg mnt aku ke arah medical+physics=medical physicist kan?turn aku awl jgk no4...mmg nerves tersangat2 tgn ketaq2 semua la xyah nk ckp....bukan ape 1st time nk ckp depan matsaleh ni semua...kena judge oleh 2org lecturer plak tuh... masalahnye group lps present xrmi sgt dtg mse kitorg present ni la rmi yg dtg....b4 present aku punyela byk nk ckp tup2 mse present baca kat slideshow jer....ngn english ntah pape2...hrp rezutnye nnti lps nasihat utk dri sndri improve my english more biarlah lidah dh berbelit2 pon....hope nxt time when i will have more presentation coming soon i can do better than previous one...