- University of Leeds
- University of Lancaster
- University of Liverpool
- University of Hull
- University of York
soooo for final dcision must pick 2 universities only as firm n insurans.... so aku pick liverpool as my firm n hull as insurans....after sponsr meeting n thinking they put lancaster as my firm....waaaaaa time tu sdeh kot xdpt pi liverpool...but lancaster is one from top5 in Uk for my course... redha je la...its far from london but take bout an hour to Manchester..quite ok kot....dkt ngn ireland, ngn scotland...but dekat not means dekat tgk kat peta mmg la dkt...but it takes many hours...my pren said to me "awat hang plih uni yg xseiring dgn result ko ekk! org len plih uni yg femes2 ucl la warwick la ko?" what i answer is "rzeki aku kot kat ctu dh spnsr ltk"
ok if tgk peta below lancaster xde kat map..so uni aku tuh sebelah ngn liverpool dkt la jgk kot (=_+) unsatisfied why my uni xde kat map nih huhuhu....
picture kat ats ni my sponsor final decision..xleh nk wat pe dahla kan....ok papepon kat ane aku pegi aku harapkan aku dpt adapt with d new places tmpt asing.....n hope that t can grads from there with first class honour Amin.....